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Staying Fit for Fall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Denison chapter.

Even though it is getting colder, and you may not be bearing all in a bikini on a daily basis, staying healthy should still be a priority now that you’re back on campus! With exams and papers and hours and hours of reading it seems almost impossible to fit in time to exercise, but trust me, it really is possible and you wont regret it! Simply working out for thirty minutes a day will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is proven that exercise decreases stress and increases endorphins, which are the bodies natural “feel good” chemicals. So don’t think of exercising as an added stressor, think of it as a way to relax and give yourself an opportunity to turn your day around!

All you need to do is find the time to fit it in. I know we all have such busy schedules, but try using exercise as an excuse for a study break! Pencil it in your planner as if it were an important meeting so you will be sure to not overlook it. If you simply cannot find the time during the day to work out, try setting an alarm and going before class. I know this may not sound like the most enjoyable way to start your morning, but if you give it a try you may even find that it gives you more energy for the rest of the day and you will actually be more alert for your first class! Mornings on college campuses are usually quite peaceful since not many people are out and about, so a morning jog by yourself can actually be refreshing and will boost your productivity for the rest of the day. If mornings are simply not your time to shine, try hitting the gym after dinner. Mitchell is open until 9:50pm during the week. Nighttime workouts are a great way to blow off some steam from a long stressful day.

Working out can actually clear your mind and give you a much needed escape from school work. Giving yourself some time to clear your head can also increase your productivity when you get back to it! However you choose to get your exercise, whether it be a run or bike ride outside, or a jog on the treadmill or the elliptical, fitting it into your day will make you feel healthier, and allow you to have a fulfilling and productive day. Having time set aside for yourself when you can forget about exams and papers will greatly improve your mental health and allow you to make it through the year without losing your mind!!

So what are you waiting for? Grab some sneaks and work it out!