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How To Keep Active

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DCU chapter.

As a student, it can be difficult to find the time to workout or stay as active as we should, finding not only the time but the motivation to exercise can be incredibly difficult. So here are 6 fun ways to get you up and moving without signing up for that gym membership, that, let’s face it, usually ends up unused anyways. 


1.  Take a class with friends: 

 If the gym just isn’t your thing then why not try something else? With so many options out there, there is no excuse not to grab some friends and get active. From trampolining, pole dancing,mma, kickboxing, hiking, biking, rock climbing to soccer, there are so many more fun options than a treadmill. Starting a new sports team, or joining a class is not only fun but a great way to stay active. 



2. Skip the car and jog, run, walk or cycle (take stairs): 

Small changes are everything when it comes to staying active, skipping the car or the bus and walking, jogging or even cycling instead can make such a difference in your everyday fitness. The same tip goes for swapping out the elevator for the stairs. 


3. Take the scenic route: 

Throwing in some extra walking into our daily routine has many added health benefits and can be a great way to stay active. Something as small as leaving a few minutes early for class and taking the long way through campus can be a really good way keep active. 


4. Stand while studying: 

Another small change you could make to stay more active and exercise without even realizing is to set up your books on a high table and study while standing. The change from sitting to standing might not feel difficult but your body will thank you for it. Also, try setting timers at regular intervals throughout your study to remind you to get up and get active! 


5. Get busy! 

Many daily activities we may already be doing can actually be an amazing way of keeping active, so why not maximise it? Yes, I’m talking about sex. And not just sex, almost anything sexual is known to be a fantastic workout, with a make-out sesh burning 238 calories per half hour, foreplay burning 100 calories per hour and sex itself burning 144 calories per half hour, having some fun can actually be a fantastic way to stay fit too. 


6. Find out what works for you: 

As much fun as the traditional setting of working out in the gym can be for some, this process can be a lot more daunting for others.  

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash


Making time for the gym has great benefits for your mental health and health in general and most of the negative feelings we have towards the gym stem from not knowing what workout, works for us. Try yoga, weightlifting and the many other great classes and options gyms have to offer before you decide it isn’t for you. 


Journalism student in Dublin City University with a passion for creating, storytelling, styling and presenting.