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Kate’s Two Rules for Fashion Success

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

The year 2011 introduced a new national holiday to the calendar of many a sixteen-year-old girl when Prince William finally tied the knot with long-time girlfriend Kate Middleton, making our favorite brunette officially the Duchess of Cambridge (that’s Princess Kate to us). It was the Dream: a commoner living that Cinderella life—except instead of servant rags and talking mice we were dealing with a woman who single-handedly transformed the fashion category of “classy” overnight. How did she do it? With the illogically effective combination of the archaic British hat (otherwise known as a fascinator) and some nude pumps. Kate wears what can only be described as ‘modern art meets sports headgear’ and I suddenly find myself in desperate need of one of these colorful accents. 


Lost a glass slipper? That’s brown felt fascinator to you, sir.

Until Kate, British hats generally occupied the gray area between accessory and unclassified—representing to American audiences an almost comical English loyalty to prehistoric fashion trends. Pink hats, curly hats, large hats, tiny hats all proved one thing: the best hats resemble popular dessert and snack items (think lays potato chips and chocolate lava cake). Just kidding. But coincidence—I think not.


These hats look deceivingly like my favorite foods, but they can also go very, very wrong, as modeled by Beatrice:

Yet, Kate did something incredibly right, turning an old-fashioned staple into a modern statement accessory. Now, unless you are considering studying abroad in England, British hats are a rather distant fashion concern here at Davidson. Yes, Kate looks great. But why should I care? Here’s the thing: while you might not have experimented with fascinators, you’ve no doubt come across the trend of bringing dated fashion back—maybe you’ve even tossed around the idea of incorporating mom’s high school skirt or grandma’s pink floral dress into your weekly wardrobe. Or maybe you want to experiment with mixing the fashion categories of formal and casual for something a little more exciting than leggings and a tee.Yes. I know. A skirt or dress might not fall under the same category as roller coaster, skydiving crazy. But trying out trends can be daunting, and no one wants a Regina repeat…

How did Kate bypass fashion faux pas? It seems that mastering the delicate balance between the old and the new, the statement and the subtle, isn’t about changing the accessory itself, but about adapting the rest of the presentation. Whether it’s trying out a vintage dress or balancing formal and casual, Kate’s hat trajectory provides insight into how to look your best while keeping up with the trends.

Kate’s Two Basic Rules:

1.     Keep it simple. If you’re working with bright colors, think twice about adding lace and frills.


2.     Balance professional and formal with casual and relaxed to get that classy look. Leave your hair down when wearing that bright orange blazer. Wear a tee shirt with that fancy skirt: statement meets casual.

So take a hint from Beatrice’s fear-nothing attitude and Kate’s carefully proportioned accessories and get ready to embrace that outfit you’ve been dreaming about.