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How to Avoid the Freshman 15 (for any year) and NOT Hate Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

1.       Instead of focusing on weight loss, focus on preventing weight gain.

First, everyone needs to watch this TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/sandra_aamodt_why_dieting_doesn_t_usually_work

This is single-handedly the best advice I’ve ever received. She was my inspiration to write this article. Taking the following suggestions I give you might not make you smaller, but they will keep you from getting bigger. I’m living proof.

2.       Stop counting calories.

Calories are the least relevant thing on the nutrition label. Everybody burns calories differently. By using calories as a benchmark, you’re essentially setting yourself up for failure. What you should be paying attention to is the protein, fats, and sugars.

3.       Never, EVER skip a meal.

Skipping meals makes you more likely to binge eat later. In fact, you should be eating several smaller meals a day. This is a challenge because we only have so many meals at Commons, and for some of us, at our eating houses. But that’s why we have fridges and crates in our rooms for food! Which leads me to my next point…

4.       ALWAYS eat breakfast.

Yes, this is extraordinarily difficult sometimes, especially if you don’t have a meal plan after your first year. It is a veritable fact that mornings are the worst, but the majority of your food intake (especially carbs) should happen at breakfast, because this is what gets you through the day. Dry cereal, yogurt, fruit, are all easy things that don’t need preparation (for our friends who struggle in the morning). There should be no shame in getting your breakfast on during class. Sorry not sorry at all.

5.       Plates should essentially work like pie charts.

It’s pretty self-explanatory. Here’s what I’ve learned:

Breakfast: 50% Carbs (cereal, oatmeal, etc), 25% fruits/veggies, 25% protein — CARBS ARE YOUR FRIEND. They get your metabolism started, don’t avoid them.

Lunch: 50% fruits/veggies, 25% protein, 25% carbs

Dinner: 50% fruits/veggies, 33% protein, <%17 carbs

PSA: Try to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible (i.e. eat actual nuts instead of peanut/almond butter).


Yes, people always say this, but you should actually start doing it. Most eating houses, as well as Commons, have a relatively good variety of salad fixings. Use them. Your body will thank you. Baby carrots, celery, apples, tomatoes, berries, and other fruits are really easy to simply snack on in your room if you have a fridge. I used to buy a bag of apples and a bag of oranges every other week! The fiber in fruits and veggies will keep you from snacking on less healthy things.

7.       Be sure to TREAT yourself.

Cookies are awesome and you should eat them. They would not be put on this earth otherwise. Don’t be afraid of dessert. Just don’t eat it every day, and don’t eat seven cookies, but one or two won’t kill you. It will probably make you happier. It’s important to still eat the things you love. I have zero shame about eating cupcakes when I make them because they make me happy.

8.       Do not complain about what you eat.

Think about what you are putting into your body. Your body is an investment. If you put in things that taste good and make you feel good, you’ll be happier with your choices. Don’t complain after your 4th cookie about how you shouldn’t have eaten it. That’s a conscious decision and your friends are probably tired of hearing about it. The importance of accepting what you eat cannot be stressed too much. It is your responsibility to treat yourself well.

9.       Put your meals and workouts into a schedule.

Something to try next semester: Make a schedule starting from when the time you usually wake up until the time you (on average) go to bed. Block out where your classes are. Then block out your meals. With the blocks that are left (and this probably will get tweaked after a few weeks) figure out when you can work out, hang out, and study. Life is so much easier when you know when you’re supposed to do things. This doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s worth giving it a shot.

10.   Stop killing yourself in the gym everyday.

Yes, it is important to exercise several times a week. But at some point, you’ve got to break the routine! Sign up for the PE classes here. Go run outside. Get your friends to play volleyball behind F or basketball by New Dorm. Go on a day hike with DO. Yes, please! Join a club sport! (shameless plug for Ultimate Frisbee). You’ll make new friends and have definite time set during the week to work out. QT with the friends and a workout? 

11.   Don’t be afraid of weights.

Cardio can only do so much. Yeah, going on the elliptical for an hour might get you sweating, but you’re not building any muscle. You need to build your muscles now, so that you’ll be better off when you’re older. Light weights, or even doing things like squats and pushups where you’re using your own body weight will improve the way you feel about your body. Pinterest has lots of great work out ideas, and you can also look up videos on Youtube.

12.   Stop the negative body talk.

Negativity causes stress, and stress causes you to retain weight. Look in the mirror every morning, and think about what you do like about yourself. Don’t let your friends talk about their own bodies in a negative way. College campuses can be breeding grounds for eating disorders and disordered eating (they are very different). Focusing on what we do have will create a positive environment. You’ll be surprised how different your conversations with your friends are once you stop bashing your bodies.

13.   Stop trying to be a certain size/weight. YOU ARE MORE THAN JUST A NUMBER.

I will never be smaller than a size 8. I just won’t, and I’ve accepted it. I’m much happier now with how clothes look on my body, than when I was starving myself to be thinner. Every person has a different “set point,” where your body will stop losing weight. This is the point at where we should be; everything less is harming your body. I swear that this is when your body is at its best. It might not be size 2 or 120lbs, or whatever you think you should be, but you’ll be looking – and definitely feeling—your best.

14.   Appreciate your body every day.

Your body allows you to do so much! Be thankful for what has been given to you, and learn to use it. As long as you make healthy choices and treat yourself right, you will begin to love yourself no matter what. Positive self-image can lead you to be more confident in the other things you do, so what are you waiting for?!

Obsessed with ending obsessions with food and working out, as well as online banking. My perfect relationship is one between me and a never ending supply of cupcakes.