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6 Reasons to Use a Menstrual Cup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

I’ve always had, to put it lightly, periods from hell. Cramps aside, I can go through a super tampon in two hours, so don’t even get me started on nighttime. But two years ago a fellow Her Campus staff member recommended the DivaCup. The DivaCup is a menstrual cup that transformed my periods and my attitude towards them forever. All of the sudden, I wasn’t experiencing a literal crime scene all the time, and I could wear white on my period without fear of staining. Using a menstrual cup is better for the environment and your vaginal health. Need more reasons? Keep reading.

1. The Environment

Pads and tampons take up a lot of landfill space. The average woman uses 20 pads or tampons per cycle, which equals about 240 feminine products per year. Over forty years, that comes out to a lifetime total of 9,600 period products, waste that could be reduced or removed by using a menstrual cup.

2. Your Wallet

You know those 240 tampons that you bought, used, and needed last year? Yeah, that is $225 that you could have saved. And while the $30 cost of a DivaCup is an investment at first, each cup lasts around 5 years. So basic economics say that you should use one. 

3. Spotting

If you’re like me and a victim of chronic spotting through tampons, the DivaCup is honestly magical. You won’t bleed through it if it is properly inserted. And you can keep it in for up to 12 hours.

4. Vaginal Health

Would you rather put medical grade silicone up there or bleached cotton? The DivaCup keeps your vagina’s natural balance, and we all know that is important.

5. Body Positivity

Women tend to shy away from interacting with their bodies when they are on their period. With the DivaCup, you need to get a little down and dirty when it comes to emptying, cleaning, and inserting the cup. Being able to have that personal de-stigmatization with your own period is important.

6. Travel

Instead of packing bulky pads and tampons in your bags, all you need now is the cup and its carrying case. Don’t you wish someone told you that before going abroad? You’ll never need to worry about carrying tampons again.

Jonesing for more information? Reach out to me or check out the DivaCup website!

If you are interested in writing an article for Her Campus Davidson, contact us at davidson@hercampus.com or come to our weekly meeting Tuesday at 8pm in the Morcott Room.

Josephine is a senior English major from Massachusetts. She is the Marketing and Publicity Director for Her Campus at Davidson, a member of Connor House, and runs the Instagram account @cheeeesefries in her free time.