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5 Products That Helped My Acne

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

Acne is a tough topic. Mainly because, for many people, no matter how well they wash their face or drink gallon upon gallon of water, acne is persistent throughout this hormonally-manic period called young adulthood. In short – IT SUCKS. Now kids, in case you didn’t already know FAR more than you needed to about my personal life, we’re going to get into the nitty-gritty of my pimply-problem.

To begin, my acne had never been very severe on my face, and like many people, I had the more than the occasional bout of hormonal breakouts. However, my back… was another story.

You know all those sexy, strappy-braless black shirts that are just oh-so trendy these days? Or what about the whole off-the shoulder look? Yeah, cute, right? Well, it ain’t so cute when you have Lewis and Clark’s rough sketch of the rocky mountains plastered on your back in an angry, vengeful attempt to make you wear long-sleeved turtle necks.

Now, this is an issue I’ve quite literally, squeezed, poked and cried over for the last 3-4 years and though I really am not one to jinx anything, I have found some very useful, and helpful tactics of breaking the cycle of breakouts. Unfortunately, skincare isn’t a ubiquitous, quick-fix, one size fits all deal. But if you have oily skin, and hormonal breakouts like I do, some of these tips just might work.

1. African Black Soap 

I had read for years about the potential benefits of African Black soap for acne-prone skin, but the daunting 5lb block that Amazon sells it in had always intimidated me too much. However, I recently decided to give it a go AND LET ME TELL YOU. It truly cleared my skin up in a matter of weeks. Plus it’s one of the most cost-effective skin-care products, I’ve ever owned. (Take it from the girl who’s spent a fortune on over-priced serums and face masks).

2. Witch Hazel/Tea Tree Oil 

I usually dilute a couple of drops of tea tree oil in a bottle of Witch hazel. This also is cheaper than any overly branded, overpriced bottle of toner you’d find. It goes a long way and is gentle, unlike many alcohol based toners on the market. 

3. Clearasil Grapefruit Backscrub

This old faithful has been consistently keeping my back clear for the past couple of months. Combined with an exfoliating brush and this product seemingly works like a charm.

4. Water! Seriously? Yes. 

 It’s not an old wive’s tale. Staying hydrated really does help my skin clear up. And it’s just about the cheapest acne remedy one can find. So get to chugging!

5. Cutting Out Dairy 

Now, this is a more controversial one because normally I would never condescend to recommend someone cut out the life-giving and all important cheese from their lives. However, after cutting dairy out of my diet for 3 months, I noticed a world of difference in the frequency and severity of my break outs. Obviously, this might not be true for everyone, but if you think it might be the root of your problem, there’s no harm in going a few milk-less months to find out.

This goes without saying, but of course, acne is different for everyone. Seeing a dermatologist is, in most cases, necessary and though I do enjoy your average pimple popping video, I’m no skin doctor. If these products help you, or you know of some which are your go-to’s, comment below!

And if all else fails, try sacrificing a small goat at your local blood soaked altar.