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The 11 Stages of Napping

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Davidson chapter.

Things I do not understand: people who don’t nap

Things I do understand: the 11 stages of napping. What are the 11 stages of napping? Oh, I’m so glad you asked. 

1)  Bartering and bargaining

If you get this done you can nap later. Or if you get up now you can nap later.

2) Planning

Okay, I have just enough time between this and this for a power nap, but if I wait it out I could get a full hour and a half here.

3) Anticipation

Just one more hour until nap time

4) Getting comfy

You don’t have time for full-on PJs but hey maybe you’ll swap out your jeans for some sweats real quick

5) Blanket arrangement

6) Pure, unadulterated bliss

7) the first alarm goes off.

This is why you have a love-hate relationship with your phone.

8) The ~I really mean it this time~ alarm goes off

9) You officially reach the point where you will be in some way shape or form categorically screwed if you don’t get out of bed

10) You get out of bed

11) You plan what time you’ll get to go to sleep tonight.