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Thoughts We All Have During Group Projects

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Group projects: you love them, you hate them or you don’t care either way. But I’m sure each and every one of you have had one of these thoughts while in the middle of one. So here is a list of some of the thoughts you have while working in a group project. 

“Did you really show up 10 minutes late, and then proceed to tell us you didn’t finish your portion of the project.”

“No Jessica, I don’t want to hear a story about your aunt upcoming trip to Hawaii.”

“What the f*ck did that guy just pull out of his backpack.”

“Oh, I did not know that was due today – okay pretend you forgot the document at home and you’ll email it out to everybody later.”

“How long did it take for other groups to get this far into the project?”

“Do you think we are behind everybody else, oh my god we’re all going to fail.”

“Maybe if I sit here long enough nodding, then everyone will think I’m on the same page as them.”

“Does Kevin really think that he can make a better looking PowerPoint than me, dead wrong.”

“Okay, I might need to just take the L for this assignment since this is due next week and all we have in our title.”

“Maybe if I just change around the thesis… wait no, this is a group assignment, I can’t just change everything.”

“This is the 4th time I’ve repeated myself Karen, NO you do not need to make photocopies of your portion of the assignment.”

“I hate group projects, I hate group projects, I hate group projects.”

“Oh of course they’re asking me to do this part, it’s not like I haven’t done 90% of this project already, but sure Madison I’d love to do the reference page as well.”

“Do they really think this is a good idea?”

“Maybe if I’m nice enough, they’ll give me a good peer evaluation even though I didn’t do much of anything throughout this entire project.”


So next time you find yourself in a crappy group project, remember that you aren’t alone! Everyone deals with bad group members in college, and all of us take the “L” a time or two along the way. And if you are the person not doing anything and just skating by, stop sucking and get it together for the greater good of the rest of your group.

Hey Wildcats, do any of you relate to these thoughts? If so, comment in the box below, or comment some of your personal thoughts about group projects.