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Take the Time for your Mental Health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Happy Mental Health Awareness Month! Now and forever is the time to recognize that mental health is no joke. Whether what you need to alleviate is big or small. It is important to take the time and take care of yourself. 

Here are some small things that can help you with your mental health and your wellbeing:

Time by Yourself

Sometimes you need that alone time. Take some time to recharge before stepping back out into the world. It can ease your anxiety and restlessness of a busy day.

Get More Sleep

Feeling tired during the day keeps you from performing your best. Make a sleep schedule for yourself in order for you to get the best sleep and be your best self the next day.

Say “No” to Things

I know this is a tough one, but it is sometimes okay to say no to things. Saying no can alleviate some stress and anxiety you put on yourself. If you don’t want to do something, don’t feel like you are obligated to say yes.

Ask for Help

If something is really bothering you or you need some extra attention, don’t be afraid to ask for some help. Build yourself a support system that can always keep you optimistic about what is to come and what life can bring you.

Meditation, Yoga, and Exercise

All of these can help find your inner peace and release the endorphins your body may be searching for. Take the time to find out what you like one of these may be great to keep you in check and on a regular schedule. 

I hope these small things can help you find yourself and help with anything you are going though. I know these only scratch the surface about mental health and the stigma that we have created behind it, but it is a start to something great. 


Her Campus CWU President and Writer Previous Her Campus CWU Events Director Current student at Central Washington University  Major: Public Relations Minor: Advertising, Sports Business, and Interdisplinary Honors I love writing about anything and everything! Politics, fashion, mental health, and many others! I hope to be able to utilize my skills/ endeavors from Her Campus, along with other clubs, organizations, and experience in order to pursue a career in PR.