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How to Deal with Those Damn Cramps

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

We’ve all been there, you’re just casually walking to class and then BAM your period decided to show up. Well. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has had this happen and unfortunately not have one single panty liner in your backpack. Then shortly after that the cramps sink in, the mood swing and of course awful bloating. Well, here are some easy hacks that you can do WHILE AT SCHOOL, to help ease your pain for the long week(ish) ahead.



Okay ladies, for the last time you should definitely be carrying some tampons, pads or whatever you choose to use, in your backpack or purse at all times. Not only for yourself for when you forget, but also for that time your classmate is desperately looking for a tampon and no one has one! You can be the knight in shining armor and save your friends. Also fill with Advil, Ibuprofen, Midol or Pamprin for when the cramps. migraine, body aches or headaches are extra bad.


Drink (hot) water

I get it, purchasing a hot coffee or tea everyday to help with period cramps can get expensive. Try drinking more water! Drinking HOT water is an easy way to get rid of some of the pain of your deadly cramps. The hot water works because it increases blood flow to your skin, which can relieve those cramped muscles. I know its not as refreshing as ice water, but cold drinks can make your cramps worse, so try it out next time your at the coffee stand, just ask for a cup of hot water, normally you can get it for no charge or maybe 25 cents, which is much cheaper than your usual White Chocolate Americano.

Walk around on your breaks

I know its pretty cold right now, but instead of sitting inside on Instagram go out and walk around campus. Go take  a walk and try to get your heart rate up slightly, to quote Elle Woods, when you work out, your body releases endorphins, and endorphins make you happy, well turns out they counteract some of the pain of period cramps which will make your next class a lot easier to sit through. You could also do some light yoga and stretching to help ease the pain. 


Eat bananas!

Bananas are an inexpensive way to help numb the pain, so try add bananas to your diet while your PMSing. Bananas are full of vitamin B12 and potassium which stops your body from retaining water, which will make you feel less bloated! Plus, they’re normally a dollar or less at your schools coffee stand or cafeteria.

We all know how lame it is when your period come around, but hey! We’re all in this together so share with your friends and help out a fellow lady in need. There are hundreds of tips to make your period easier so if any of you HC ladies have any other helpful tips or tricks let us know in the comments below!