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How to Date an Athlete When You Aren’t One

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CWU chapter.

Athletes are: competitive, strong, determined and hundreds of other things. When it comes to dating one, things can get kind of challenging at times. Whether its dealing with injuries, learning the sport that consumes their life, or just being their number one fan, things WILL get tough. Things get tough when all you’re focused on their injuries and they’re focused on first place but it’s always worth it. 

Here is a list of the top 4 ways you can “successfully” date a college athlete. (results may vary)

1. How to deal with Injuries: Not only are sport injuries physically hurting your baes body, but also they’re also probably mentally hurting too. Not being able to go out there and play the sport of their dreams can be a real mood killer for them and you. Not only is it hard on them, but it can be hard on your happiness as well to see your SO so down in the dumps. Not to mention the constant “I don’t need any help” excuse that you will hear on repeats for days. Just plan for a few days of complete love and attention as well as icy hot, electric heating pads, and plenty of ice packs on deck.

2. How to always be supportive, even when you don’t want to be: Seeing your boo flying around the country is such an amazing experience for them, but it can be hard on you. Seeing them traveling and leaving for up to a week at a time can be a bummer on your mood. I mean I know quality time apart is always beneficial in every relationship, but 6 days apart! Boo! Unfortunately you just gotta keep your head up and be as supportive as possible. Remember, they’re probably missing you just as much as you’re missing them so stay positive. 

3. How to learn the sport they play: There is never an easy process to learning the rules and regulations of a sport, especially if you never played sports growing up. Learning how to “watch the game” can be a little difficult, but keep your head up! Not only are there plenty of “Sports for Dummies” but you have a lot of resources. Starting with the internet. It wouldn’t do you any harm to take some time one day and search “How the hell do you play rugby?” because let me tell you it’s not an easy sport to understand. I mean how am I supposed to know what a “ruck” is without some help from Google. 

4. How to be their number one fan: Love and support is all any athlete wants from their significant other, so show them how proud you are! I know watching someone rip their body apart on a Saturday afternoon isn’t most people’s cup of tea, but trust me. Showing your support can get you a lot of brownie points in your relationship. 

We know that the concept of dating an athlete isn’t for everyone, it takes a certain person to be able to do it. Whether they play lacrosse or tennis, they are bound to have some of that competitive blood in their system. It’s important to always look at the positives: they’re always going to fight for what they want and you’ll almost always have weekend plans! Most games will be on the weekends, sorry we forgot to mention that, but hey at least you’ll always get to see them in their sexy uniforms.