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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

This is me on my 22nd birthday, hence the ’22’ I am trying to insinuate with my hands. No, this is not a birthday post or me showing off my amazing outfit but that the holidays are now different, especially Halloween as you get older. I know Halloween is WAY over and Thank God for that (am I right!). But seriously, I could not be happier…one trying to pick out 1738 different costumes to begin with is a hassle on top of trying to be creative is just too much. By the time is was ACTUALLY Halloween I was wiped out. All I wanted to do was sit on my couch and watch Houcus Pocus for the third time that week. I was planning on going to my friend’s house to pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters but instead looked at the pile of dishes in my sink and realized I better not. SO with that being said it really is, an end to an era. This really was the turning point for me, yes it really was, on realizing that I am getting older and things are changing.

This is me and fellow HerCampus writer Cat, dressed as Pena and Murphy from Narchos. It was also a sign of us growing up, showing up to a day party dressed as two men instead of something that screamed sexy. That’s not to say we didn’t dress sexy the othe nights of Halloween but not one other girl at this party looked like this to say the least. Cat and I finally got to a point in our lives that we did not feel pressured to look cute or be sexy, it was more about being funny and clever. It was especially clear getting older that instead of trying to find candy somewhere, I got asked to pass out candy. It is weird to think for so many years of my life, that was my job. To dress up and find the best candy and now as responsiblities set in, that is not the case. One day, it will be even weirder when dressing up is even consiered weird. At least we have the Halloween movies to remind of us of our youth. The other holidays will never really feel different in my opinion, like Thanksgiving or Christmas. They’ll always keep us young at heart. 

My family and I in the good ole’ days during Thanksgiving!