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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CUA chapter.

Dear Anxiety,

Believe me when I say it’s not me it’s you. Yep, you read that right. I am not the one at fault. You have caused enough problems in my life. So I am breaking up with you and this is why.

You take over my life. All the time I spend with you, could be spent with friends or even a boyfriend. But its not, because I think about you too much. I spend too much time overthinking and second guessing everything. I spend too much time sitting around and worrying about decisions that were made three days ago. I spend so much time thinking about you and that sucks because I can’t afford to spend that much time. My life is so scheduled and on the go that I barely have time for friends. So what makes you think that I have time for you? I want to be able to sleep peacefully. I want to able to enjoy my free time. I want to be able to be fully present with my friends. I want to be able to not think about you.

I know that breaking up with you won’t fix everything because you are just going to come back but its a step in the right direction. I need to start fighting for me and not just with you. I deserve the chance to be away from you and happy. I deserve the chance  to be free. So this letter applies to you everyday. Because everyday I am breaking up with you and fighting for me. 

Sorry not sorry,

A college student

After living in 3 different countries including 3 different states in the USA, it is no surprise that Roisin Gibbons decided to come to the nation's capitol to pursue a career in Social Work at CUA. Whil she did run away to Australia, her love for DC and the HC family brought her back home. Now a semester away from her senior year, Roisin is a HerCampus CUA writer, Co-President of CSWNA, Active Minds Fundraising Chair, and Marketing Chair for NRHH. Along with that, her own blog and volunteer experiences, she finds time to be a fashionista, singer, adventurer, and model for GUS Vintage Goods in California over school breaks. Roisin hopes to make a difference for victims of human trafficking and alcohol and drug addiction as a Social Worker and believes that her work with communities and blogging has put her ahead of the game.