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Net Neutrality: Why You Should Care About It, and How to Join the Cause

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

“Net Neutrality” is a term that you may have heard of a couple of times before, but that has recently been circulating more than ever. Basically, net neutrality is the idea that internet providers like AT&T and Comcast aren’t allowed to speed up, slow down, or block any websites that conflict with the company’s interests. It also protects the sharing of information that the internet currently allows so freely. Net Neutrality is how the internet has always worked, but unfortunately, that might change.

The Federal Communications Commission (commonly referred to as the FCC) is voting on December 14th on a proposal created by Trump’s FCC chairman, Ajit Pai. Pai’s proposal basically calls for the discontinuation of Net Neutrality, allowing internet providers to control how fast or slow certain websites load and even block websites all together if they have content that the company doesn’t agree with. In other words, these companies will be able to control the content you see and don’t see on the internet.

Sound scary? It is. The internet is a place for the entire world to connect through the exchange of knowledge, communication, information, entertainment, and so much more. If this proposal passes, the way every one of us uses the internet will never be the same again. So what exactly can we do about it?

That’s a tricky question. There are a countless number of Americans that are actively protesting and resisting this proposal, begging the FCC not to get rid of Net Neutrality. However, Pai recently stated that “fake comments and consumer complaints” are corrupting the numbers, and that the opinion of the people won’t be considered when the FCC goes to vote on his proposal. As scary as that sounds, that’s no reason to sit back and let this happen. If you’re a regular user of the internet, you need to get involved. Here are some of the best ways to do it.

  1. Spread the word

With Thanksgiving and the holidays in the air, it’s easy to see how some people haven’t been paying attention to this. Share some links to different organizations that can help you fight for Net Neutrality, or even just share this article if you want, to any social media outlet you want. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – everything helps.

  1. Contact your representatives

There are countless websites and organizations that will help you reach out to your local representative or Senate member. These are the people who will end up influencing this decision, and the more people reach out to them, the more they’ll be forced to listen. Go to Battle for the Net, 5 Calls, CREDO Action, or even just do a quick Google search and find even more organizations dedicated to protecting Net Neutrality. Your voice will make a difference, so why not use it?

  1. Attend a Protest

If you’re more into the activist side of things, look around and see if there are any protests for this cause happening where you are. Usually, protests are advertised either online through the organization’s website or through a Facebook event, and they’re never hard to find. Take a selfie with your fellow protesters and post it everywhere you can to convince people you know to join the fight.

If you haven’t been paying attention to the FCC’s threat against Net Neutrality, it’s okay. That doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to get involved and make your voice heard, whether it be to your representative or just to your Facebook timeline. If you love the way the internet is now, getting involved is the only way to prevent it from changing forever. All of our voices count – and it’s up to us to use them.


Madison Sinsel

CU Boulder '21

Madison is currently a sophomore at CU Boulder, working towards a major in the CMCI school in Strategic Communications on the media design track as well as a minor in fine art. She's been a HerCampus writer since her freshman year, and this year she is also lucky to be an Aerie Ambassador for CU's campus and a Barre3 ambassador for the Boulder studio. At CU Boulder, Madi is focusing on learning graphic design and illustration and has plans to one day become an artistic director and tattoo artist. She's had a love for writing since she was three years old, and is thrilled to be a part of the HerCampus community. Her passions include theatre, matcha lattes, and reading people's tarot cards at parties.
Sko Buffs!