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The 3 Best Free Sexual Assault Protection Apps

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Conn Coll chapter.

Connecticut College is an incredibly safe and tolerant campus, but sexual assault is unfortunately a universal problem. Rape culture continues to exist and threaten the safety and wellbeing of women on college campuses across the country. In order to make women feel safer walking around-especially late a night-newly created sexual assault prevention apps have gained popularity. This is a protective measure, not a solution to the problem obviously. Education on sexual assault and rape must be frequent and continuous so that apps like these aren’t even needed. However, women still need to have some way to reach help in emergencies and these apps are a must have for everyone’s smartphone, even if you think it could never happen to you. 




This app creates a community of contacts that can be notified of your location and safety status immediately. Add all your friends, and whenever you need to walk alone and feel unsafe, you can let them track you via GPS on your way home. Also within the app is a fake call system to get you out of uncomfortable situations, and a self-set timer that, if not shut off manually by a certain time, will alert your friends that you are in distress. 



Like bSafe, Circleof6 allows you to connect your friends as emergency contacts within the app. As the name suggests, there is room for 6 contacts- the people who live close by and you can always rely on. With one tap, you can send a variety of messages to these contacts, either asking for immediate help at the GPS location sent with the alert or requesting for them to call you as an interruption. Also available is immediate access to two sexual assault hotlines. 




Designed for any type of emergency, Guardly can be a resource for sexual assault as well as any other unsafe situations. Once you add in your emergency contacts, the apps will launch immediately upon opening with a short countdown. If not manually turned off,  it will send a message with your current location to all emergency contacts by phone, email and text. 911 can be included in the group if selected. Responders to your message can collaborate to help you via conference call or through the emergency response website that is sent to them. Other additions to the app are a loud whistle sounds that can be activated quickly, as well as a camera that will automatically send photos to all your emergency contacts.

Her Campus Conn Coll