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30 Rules to Live By

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.
We are constantly wondering how we can have joyful, relatively hilarious, bold, and fruitful lives. Here are 30 strangers (from New York City and Reddit –http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1qotmj/what_is_your_golden_rule/) with their golden rules to success and happiness. Keep them in mind as you go about your life, and who knows what will happen? 

1) Don’t worry, take it easy.


2) Don’t take it personally because he/she might be having a bad day.

3) Hope like an optimist, plan like a pessimist. 

4) The truest way to gage a person is to see how they treat waiters/servers.


5) Be the person your dog thinks you are.


6)Don’t get arrested in foreign country.


7) Don’t make a decision when you’re mad. Don’t make a promise when you’re happy. But most importantly, don’t go grocery shopping when you’re hungry. 


8) When it comes to dating: half your age + 7.


9) Never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups.


10) Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.

11) Whatever you do in life, leave it better than you found it.

12) Remember today is a good day!



13) Never stop learning: it keeps your mind young. Never stop dancing: it keeps your body young. Never stop loving: it keeps your spirit gold.


14) Always be compassionate. You could bring a little ray of sunshine to their otherwise stormy day.


15) Condoms– every time.


16) Never forget where you came from.


16) Try to procrastinate less. The pay off will be so worth it when you’re done with work faster. 


17) The only way to get respect is to give it.


18) Treat others the way you want to be treated unless they’re mean in which case you should be mean back!! *laughs* Just kidding. Or am I?

19) Don’t date a close friend’s ex.


20) If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.

21) Don’t 100% rely on WebMD to self diagnose injuries and illnesses because honestly, it always says this “may lead to death.”


22) Never ask someone to do something you wouldn’t do.

23) Moderation. The good, the bad; everything in life needs balance.


24) Trust your instincts.


25) Stay hydrated!


26) No one likes a jerk or a hypocrite. So don’t be known as “that guy”


27) Be thankful. Always.


28) Don’t be afraid to push yourself and try new things.


29) Try not to make assumptions. People aren’t always who/what you think they are.


30) Make mistakes! 



politically incorrect bard. part-time underwhelmist. elder statesman of the tittie bar.
Elena is a sophomore at Columbia University majoring in English. In her free time, she writes for Her Campus and news for Spectator. She loves New York and her friends.