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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

Put away the Sperry’s and whip out those Bean boots, Colgate – It’s officially winter! 

As Barbour coats get traded in for Michelin man style North Face jackets, we all realize that in order to get through the winter, we have to adapt to our surroundings. Below are a few commonly seen (and necessary) changes around campus to help get us through the hell called “winter” in upstate New York. 

1. Going Out Clothes

Even though it’s 30 degrees colder than it was at the beginning of the year, not much changes when it comes to our going out attire.  Yeah, pants are now a necessity, and you wear your Bean boots everywhere you go, but other than that, most everything stays the same.  Still determined to look cute, hats are not an option because they mess up your hair, and gloves just seem problematic because you know you aren’t coming home with both of them (which is arguably as annoying as coming home with a single earing).  I guess the only solution is to wrap up in those beer blankets guys! 

2.  The Jug

The last thing anyone wants to do is wander Broad street in the middle of the night, while it’s 4 degrees outside, wearing only a jacket to keep warm.  However, with the convenient Cruiser pick-up/drop-off locations downtown, the Jug seems to be the least painful way to a fun night out in the dead of winter.  Even though you probably won’t leave with the same jacket you went in with, you might end up leaving with the number of the guy you spent all night grinding with instead – in my eyes a fair trade. Besides, it’s better than shivering all the way home, looking at the passing cruisers and maybe shedding a tear (icicle) or two at the missed opportunity.

3. Coupling Up!

Sometimes relying on puffy North Face jackets, Bean boots, and a scarf isn’t enough to keep you warm – sometimes you just need solid cuddle buddy. Although Colgate doesn’t have the most intense dating scene, more couples and “exclusive” relationships pop up in the winter.  Whether it’s due to the fact that we haven’t seen sun in months and need a little something extra to get us through our day or just the extra warmth, winter is prime couple time.

4. The Campus Ice Luge

Remember those really cool older boys in high school who would always slide down the railings instead of walking down the stairs? Well now you get to experience that same, badass behavior except on your butt, on the ground, sliding across campus.  It is inevitable once winter comes around, at some point or another, you and all your belongings will end up sprawled out on the pavement, hoping no one saw (but of course everyone did).  It’s embarrassing, but don’t worry – we’ve all been there.