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Superfood Swaps: Get That Spring Break Bod

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colgate chapter.

The countdown to spring break 2014 is less than one month away! That means the trudy tredmills will be packed and you will be swapping slices for celery. If you think you are already eating clean check out these swaps for even healthier options. Picking one over the other will leave you bikini ready in no time. 


1. Oatmeal over Cereal

       Steel-cut oats are one of the healthiest breakfast options out there. Studies have proven that oatmeal compared to regular breakfast cereal carry more fiber and keep you feeling fuller longer. People who choose oatmeal over cereal also had less of a desire to eat again. Take your oats to a whole new level by adding fruit, nuts, cinnamon or honey. Grab the creepy Quaker over Tony the tiger next time you’re at pchops. 

2. Spinach Over Lettuce 

     Opt for spinach when putting together your next salad. These dark leafy greens are packed with iron and calcium. One cup is only 7 calories. Iceberg lettuce is mainly water and gives you the false notion that you are eating healthy, it also contains more calories, less calcium and less potassium. 

3. Greek Over Regular Yogurt

    Greek yogurt is high in protein, which means it will keep you fuller longer. A typical serving has 15-20 grams of protein, which is the same as a 2-3 ounce lean meat! It also contains half the carbohydrates as regular yogurt. 

4. Sweet Potatoes Over White Potatoes 

     Sweet potatoes carry less calories, less carbs and will provide you with more fiber, more Vitamin C and more Vitamin A! Check out this super easy way to make a healthier version of french fries. Chop up a sweet potato into thin slices, drizzle with olive oil and a dash of salt. Bake in the oven on a flat tray at 450 degrees.

Recipe: http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/oven_baked_sweet_potato_fries/


5. Tea Over Coffee

Okay this one might seem too obvious but tea is a much healthier option over coffee, anyday. Caffeine crackheads might think coffee will give them more energy, but certain teas actually have the same amount of caffeine as coffee. A coffee caffeine high lasts shorter and drops quicker. Tea is packed with anti-oxidants which help replenish your body after a hard work out. Tea is also known to help reduce stress and promote weight loss!

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Elena Havas is a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Colgate University. She is an English Major with an emphasis in creative writing as well as a Minor in Film and Media Studies. She began blogging for Her Campus in the Spring of 2013. She has made new initiatives to expand Her Campus across Colgate's Campus. She is a native of New York City and some of her interests include life advice, pop culture, women's rights, public policy reform and referring to herself in the third person under her alias notoriously known as "lanes".