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Breaking the Colby Bubble: Staying Updated on Global News

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.

Keeping up with what’s happening on campus is easy. At Colby, students are flooded with emails from SGA, SPB, professors, and the General Announcements, all ways through which students leep informed. Staying informed on on what’s happening globally is important. In light of recent events, instead of asking Yik Yak or your friends, here are some ways to stay updated on current events.

1. Subscribe to weekly or daily updates from news websites. Subscribing to updates from major news websites can give you a brief synonpsis on various events happening worldwide.

2. Read the papers in the dining halls. Got a second while eating in Dana? Pick up the New York Times, the Echo, or Outside magazine. SGA spends thousands of dollars each year so students can read these newspapers for free. 

3. Set news notifications on your phone. Many major news outlets have applications that are easy to download to your phone, and when you use an application, it’s super easy to set up notifications on breaking news.

4. If you have an iPhone, use the News app. The new iPhone update adds a “News” application to your phone. When you open the app for the first time, you can select interests to show up on your feed whenever you open the app. 

Colby College Class of 2019, originally from Falmouth, ME