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Finals Prep: Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Study Session

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

Unless you’re Hermione, you probably don’t really like to study.

It can be incredibly hard to sit down and tackle all of your looming course materials. Final exams are the worst for one major reason: cumulative tests. Not only do you have to recall what you’ve learned in the past few weeks, but you have to remember everything you’ve learned. All. Semester. Long. This can prove to be a challenge, especially if you didn’t attend class and study regularly throughout the semester. While I wish I could tell you that there’s a magical, easy way to relearn all of this information, there isn’t. However, I do have some super helpful tips on how to get the most out of your study session.

1. Study in intervals

Studying for forty-five minutes at a time with fifteen-minute breaks has proven to be one of the most effective ways to study. Give your brain a few minutes to relax and absorb all of that information!

2. Study before bed

Fact: Your mind retains information better if you study it right before going to sleep. Go on, get cozy with a textbook and steaming mug of tea in bed.

3. Teach it to yourself

This is the ultimate test. If you can perfectly teach yourself what you’ve been studying, then you know your stuff.

4. Read the material out loud

When you read in your head, you usually speed through things and space out, which is no bueno. By reading out loud, you have a much better chance of slowing down and understanding the material.

5. Vary where you study

Studying in different places can help you recall information better when it comes to test-taking time.

6. Listen to classical music

Music with words tends to distract people from their studies. Opt for classical or house music to enhance your study session. Plus, classical music often makes people feel smarter, which may make you study harder. Who knows!

7. Study in a group

Group study is great for many different reasons. You’re less likely to stop studying and start watching Netflix when other people are with you, and you’re more likely to gain different perspectives on the material by talking to your group members. Plus, you can quiz each other on the material, which really amps up the study game.

8. Read from a real book

Some people find that they don’t retain information and pay attention when reading off of screens. With a book, many are more likely to understand and keep all the info they read in their brains. Plus, reading off of screens isn’t good for the eyes and can mess up your sleep rhythms. Do yourself a favor and pick up a book.

These tips won’t guarantee you success. It’s up to you to study and study hard. However, if you incorporate these handy tips into your study regime, you’re more likely to do great on finals. Good luck!

Adelaide is a senior at CNU pursuing a BA in English w/ an emphasis in writing. After graduation, she plans to become an Editorial Assistant in Manhattan. In her free time, Adelaide loves reading books, playing with her two wonderful cats, and spending time with her grandpa.