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8 Lipstick Lesbian Probs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I’ve heard my fair share of ignorant comments and gone through some uncomfortable experiences. Here is a list of 8 things we lesbians (specifically lipstick/femme) have to deal with. *These can also apply to many queer people of different identities.

1) People always assume you’re straight.

Honey, there ain’t anything straight about me.

2) The wide-eyes, shocked gasp, and “But you don’t look like a lesbian!” reactions when you tell people you’re gay.

Really? Tell me, what exactly does a lesbian look like???

3) “But if you’ve never had sex with a guy, then how do you know if you’re not into it?”

Oh really? Well, how do YOU know you’re not into vagina/penis if you’ve never had sexual experiences with one?

4) “You could have any guy you want!”

I don’t want one, but thanks… I guess.

5) People who pressure you to “prove” your gayness.

No, I will NOT kiss a girl in front of you just so you can get some sort of satisfaction from it, and I do NOT have to prove myself to you.

6) When extended family asks if you’ve “met any boys in college yet”.

*Internally sighs for 5000 years*

7) When you go to a party and talk to a guy and all is going well, but when he finds out you’re gay, he and all his buddies think you “led him on”.

I was just trying to make a new friend. Jeez.

8) When a guy thinks he can “turn you straight”.

Nope, I’m a proud, gay woman and nothing will change that.