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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CNU chapter.

With finals just around the corner, I know that most of us are feeling pretty stressed and overwhelmed. It’s true, finals are stressful and scary, but fear not, I have some ideas to help beat the finals stress!

Get Organized

When it feels like you have a million things to do and no time to do them, the best way to beat the stress is to take a breather and get organized. Sit down and look at what exactly you have to do and plan accordingly and specifically. It may feel a little Type-A to plan your day out hour by hour, but I swear it makes you super productive and feel way better. 

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Find Inspiration

Check out this article for some pictures of super cute and organized notes to inspire you to get studying. 

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Take Care of Yourself

I know when you get super busy it gets really tempting to not sleep enough or to eat a bunch of junk, but really try not to do that. You’ll feel so much better, be way more productive, and probably do better on your exams if you get enough sleep and eat real food. Promise. 

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Avoid Burnout

All work and no play = burnout. School is #1 and finals are super important, but you’ll never do well if you’re burnt out. Get some friends together and do something fun before you have to go live in the lib for the next few days. Some of our team went to the beach and had a movie and pizza night the other day. It was exactly what we needed to get ready for the rest of the week! 

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So with all this in mind, I hope you feel confident in taking on your finals. You go girl. Slay. Then we can all go home and sleep and pet our dogs and cats. I know I’m pumped for that.

I'm a junior at CNU majoring in communication studies and minoring in psychology. I spend most of my time in the library or binge-watching somethng on netflix. I enjoy the outdoors, a good cup of coffee, taking care of animals and the environment, and writing articles about topics that matter to me. Enjoy!