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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.

Feeling tired in-between classes and not sure if you are going be able to stay awake? Don’t have enough time to get a full workout in one day? Here are five exercises you can do in five minutes that are perfect to do when you get up in the morning, before you go to bed at night, or any time of day. Anyone can take five minutes out of their day to do these. They may be easy, but they work wonders to get the blood flowing and clear our minds.

1. Jumping Jacks for 1 Minute

There is no secret to doing these, we’ve been doing them in gym class since elementary school. Jumping jacks primarily work muscles in your shoulders, abs and legs and get your heat rate pumping.

2. Squats for 1 Minute

Squats are great for working your glutes and other leg muscles. Make sure you put your weight in your heels when squatting down and that your knees don’t extend over your toes.

3. Push-ups for 1 Minute

This is another classic exercise that everyone is familiar with. Push-ups are great for getting a burn in the triceps and engaging the abs.

4. Plank for 1 Minute

Good form is important for all exercises, but especially true for planks. Make sure you keep your butt down and back straight.

5. Lunges for 1 Minute

Like squats, lunges are great for the glutes and other leg muscles. Make that your knee doesn’t extend over your toe while lunging and alternate legs for each turn. 

I'm currently a Junior majoring in Architecture and minoring in Technical Writing here at CMU :) Outside of academics I have a passion for fitness amd makeup artistry. 
I am currently senior majoring in Business Administration and Statistics with a track in Finance at Carnegie Mellon University. Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Enid Blyton and J.K Rowling are a few of my favorite authors. I also love watching British TV shows (Sherlock is my favorite!). On campus, I am involved in several activities, including Carnegie Mellon Business Association and Smart Woman Securities.