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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CMU chapter.


Name: Nanaki Singh

Year: Freshman

Major: Mathematics

Birthday: April 6th

Favorite color: plum or olive

Favorite book: Breakfast of Champions

Favorite Movie: Memento

Favorite type of food: Thai, Japanese, Mexican, Italian…too many

Favorite place in Pittsburgh: Phipps Conservatory

Favorite restaurant in Pittsburgh: The Porch or Noodlehead or Stagioni

Favorite season: Fall

Favorite TV show: 30 Rock or Psych

Lauren Kelly is a freshman at Carnegie Mellon University with the plan of studying creative and professional writing. In tenth grade, Lauren published her first novel through the Young Writer's Program in her creative writing class. As a senior in high school, Lauren was a staff writer on her school's newspaper.