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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

The “V” Word

So when I say “The “V” word, I don’t want anyone to think I am about to talk about anything below the waist. This is about the other V word, the word that not too many people are comfortable saying. However, I am. I am a virgin. I’m pretty sure by now, you are all gasping, and wondering why, so I will tell you. Growing up, I was always in church and I always heard about not having sex until marriage. My parents would tell me to value myself and to wait until I was married to the man God had for me before giving myself away. Back then, I held onto the value of my virginity because other people told me it was the right thing for me, not because I wanted it for myself. As I grew and got to middle school and then high school, everyone around me had boyfriends and would talk about different sexual experiences that they had with their boyfriends and although it made me uncomfortable, it opened my eyes to the things my friends were experiencing. During that time my relationship with God was growing and I started studying scriptures in the bible about purity and what it meant to be a virgin. It became about me wanting to please God, but it wasn’t just that. I decided that I wanted to be able to tell my children that I had only been with one person my entire life, and that is their father. My mother couldn’t tell me that, and I don’t judge her for that. Her life experiences as a teenager were her experiences. However, I didn’t want to be like my mom in that way and she always encouraged me not too!

As a college student, I am very well aware about what goes on around me. People engage in all types of sexual activity and if that is what they have going for their lives, great for them. However, for me, I came to the realization that God’s plan and purpose for my life is so much more important than me wanting to feel good for a few seconds with someone who will probably disappear off the face of the earth after its over. I heard a question asked a few months ago and it made me even more adamant about waiting until I am married to enjoy the experience of sex. That question was: Would you be able to live with yourself if your disobedience disqualified you from God’s purpose and plan for your life?” That question stuck with me for so long mainly because living a life of purity is not easy. I get tempted more often than not to have sex, but in order for me to live out the purpose God gave me, I have to obey Him in every area of my life. So yes, I am a virgin and proud to be able to say to my future husband that he is the only guy to ever be with me!

I am the type of person that will laugh in the middle of a silent room because of something that happened days ago!
Hey! My name's Liz and I'm a Sigma Kappa at Clemson University! I love my school more than anything in the world and love sharing that with y'all!!