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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.

If you are affiliated with Clemson University in any way, I’m sure you’ve heard lots about the infamous ‘banana incident,’ so I will not go into much detail about that. What I would like to go into detail about is the Sikes sit-in, which has been ongoing since Wednesday afternoon. Truthfully, I have not been keeping up with the media coverage of this demonstration. I have, however, been an active participant, so I just want to inform you on what the protests have really been like.


(photo from @michaelkwallace)


My main concern is that some media outlets may be trying to paint this sit-in as aggressive. On the contrary, the spearheads of this protest reminded the protestors every two to three hours that if they are aggressive, be it in tone of voice, choice of words, or even physical stance, then they will be turned away from the movement and escorted out if necessary. The students have been more than compliant with the police and administration, and those who chose to stay in Sikes on Thursday understood the consequences and were willing to face possible arrest (although we had previously been told that we could remain in Sikes as long as we liked as long as we were peaceful). That was a very tense time, but we are still determined.


Sleeping on hard floors and in the cold has been difficult and exhausting at times, but giving my time and energy is the best way I can think of to support this cause. As a white person, I will never truly understand the struggles that the black community at Clemson and elsewhere face daily. That’s why I am here. I’m here to learn, and to grow. I’m here to listen to others who know more than me, stand in solidarity with them, and raise their voices instead of my own.


(photo from @TigerStripesCU)


Truthfully, with everything that has been going on lately at Clemson, I have started to lose faith in our sense ‘Clemson family.’ It’s obvious that there are many people who don’t truly feel safe in this so-called family, and not much has been done about this in the past. Being a part of this group of students and supportive faculty and staff has truly rekindled that faith. Even as I sat on the steps of Sikes last night in the freezing cold, covered in blankets and chugging hot chocolate, my heart was truly warmed with the sense of community and love that flows within this group of people.


(photo from @FrancesCarofine)


Please, come out to Sikes and sit with us. Talk with us. Demand change with us. We are here, and we aren’t leaving until we see change.

Hey! My name's Liz and I'm a Sigma Kappa at Clemson University! I love my school more than anything in the world and love sharing that with y'all!!