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No Thanks Technology

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.
No Thanks Technology

Albert Eistien once said, “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction, the world will have a generation of idiots.” I do not believe our society or generation to be a bunch of idiots- yet-, but his point on technology surpassing human interaction does concern and challenge me. I have recently become hyperaware by how often I touch my phone when I am with another person. I have not counted the number of times, but I am sure I check my phone entirely too much when I should be giving individuals who are right in front of me my full attention.

This mostly happens in social interactions. With my work, I never want the students or colleagues I work with to feel I am not giving them my full attention. Yet in a social situation, where work isn’t motivating me to focus, I fail at giving the person in front of me my full attention. In the classroom setting I am usually pretty good about putting my phone away, but there are times when I distract myself from the lesson because I am engaged in my technology.

I do not want technology to replace my interactions with humans. How pointless is it that I use technology to make plans with friends and then in turn, while I am hanging out with those friends I am engaged in technology talking to other people. I would like to break this habit, so I am posing a challenge to myself the week of Thanksgiving (and as I lead up to it). The week of Thanksgiving I will put my phone away whenever I am hanging out with friends or family. I will only touch my phone and use it actively if it is for a purpose or I am by myself. I want to fully enjoy this Thanksgiving break in the company of some of my favorite humans who I am most thankful for. Take of this challenge as well and let us know how it goes! I’ll be sure to give an update after Thanksgiving. 


Former Clemson Student Affairs Graduate Student and Clemson House Graduate Community Director. San Juan bred, Atlanta raised me.
Hey! My name's Liz and I'm a Sigma Kappa at Clemson University! I love my school more than anything in the world and love sharing that with y'all!!