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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clemson chapter.
Clemson University is a beautiful school, filled with Tiger Pride. Its students love
their purple and orange, cheering on their sports teams, having a great time with 
friends, and of course studying hard to get their degree. However, looking at a 
postcard doesn’t tell you everything about Clemson’s campus. There are some 
things you will never understand until you go here. You know you go to Clemson 
1. On a nice day, your entire Instagram and Snap feed is full of pictures of the 
reflection pond and amphitheater. (Don’t forget the temperature filter on 
Snap! Isn’t it fun to make your Northern friends jealous?)
2. There might possibly be more squirrels than students.
3. Previously mentioned squirrels do weird things, such as drop a piece of fried 
chicken that they stole from a game day tailgate onto your head from out of a 
tree. (True story. No I did not eat it.)
4. When it’s cold, your biggest concern is the safety of Dabo Duck.
5. The day that Dabo Duck got a girlfriend duck was the highlight of your week. 
6. Purple and orange start to seem like they actually match.
7. Your entire wardrobe slowly becomes consumed by orange.
8. You are a pro at dodging solicitors on Library Bridge. (Cue very important 
phone call NOW…)
9. Hearing someone count from 1 to 4 automatically starts the Cadence Count in 
your mind.
10. You’re convinced that the sunsets here are purple and orange because 
11. Parking Services are the essence of your nightmares.
12. Don’t even get us started on class registration.
13. You’ve rushed the field to sing the alma mater with everyone.
14. Your legs may be as good as Carrie Underwood’s from all the hills.
15. You complain about your life all the time, but wouldn’t want to spend your 
college career anywhere else. 
I am a Psychology major. I was Maryland born and raised. I love soccer, the beach, and making Her Campus part of my Clemson story!
Hey! My name's Liz and I'm a Sigma Kappa at Clemson University! I love my school more than anything in the world and love sharing that with y'all!!