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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

As Halloween is just a few weeks away, everyone seems to be getting into the spooky spirit and finding a perfect costume. Now it’s your turn.

One fun and easy way to stay within budget this Halloween is to create a costume yourself, or do it yourself (diy). Most of the time, diy costumes utilize clothes and objects you already have at home, so they are low budget and a great way to get into costume at the last minute.

Here’s a five suggestions to get you started.

1. A gum ball machine


   I went as this last year. It was a really simple and easy costume to make. I used an old tank top and put colorful pompom balls all over it (as the gum balls). I wore a black skirt and cut out a rectangle with paper and drew on it 25¢. It was a hit!


2. An animal


    I was a giraffe a few years ago. I used one of my dad’s old t-shirts so that it’d look like a dress on me and painted it with brown spots. I bought a cheap giraffe headband and tail. I also face painted spots up my neck and the side of my face. This can really go with any animal. If you don’t like painting, try a pig and just wear a pink shirt and the headband/tail.


3. Fruit


   I’ve seen this recently online. Basically, you just need a headband that you attach a green rolled up construction paper tube to (as the stem). You could even add a leaf if you’re that fancy. Then any color outfit you want can match to any fruit. For example, wear yellow and you’re a pineapple. Red and you’re an apple, or even orange to become an orange.


4. A book character


   Lots of times characters have specific wardrobes that they are known for, and often those outfits are not too far out of reach. Two years ago, I was the Man In The Yellow Hat from Curious George. I wore a yellow skirt, yellow button down, and—of course—the infamous yellow hat. I have a Curious George stuffed animal that I carried around. This idea can roll with many story book characters, such as a wizard or witch from Harry Potter or even Where’s Waldo.


5. Print something out


   If you print something out you can stick it to your shirt. This could be a silly sign saying “Error: No Costume Found” or something more pop culture like a Starbucks logo to become a pumpkin spiced latte.

Trick or treat!

Monica Sager is a freelance writer from Clark University, where she is pursuing a double major in psychology and self-designed journalism with a minor in English. She wants to become an investigative journalist to combat and highlight humanitarian issues. Monica has previously been published in The Pottstown Mercury, The Week UK, Worcester Telegram and Gazette and even The Boston Globe. Read more of Monica’s previous work on her Twitter @MonicaSager3.
Alexis is a student at Clark University studying Spanish and Political Science. When she's not at the library you can find her watching Netflix (probably Bones or The Office), on the elliptical, on KJP's instagram, or reading the news. She's passionate about politics, travel, and fashion. Her goals for the future include getting a job after graduation and trying to live the ideal New England lifestyle. Alexis is very excited to be a new Campus Correspondent along with Annabelle Merlin. HCXO!