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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

That’s a common question that I get as a freshman in the nursing program. There are so many reasons as to why I chose nursing. I don’t think there was ever a time I didn’t want to be a nurse. Of course I had my doubts because I was always told it would be too hard, or I wasn’t smart enough for it. In all of those moments though I knew I had to prove all of those people wrong and do the one thing I loved: NURSING.


It all started when I was two years old, I told my mom for Halloween that I wanted to be just like her. So she bought me scrubs and let me wear her stethoscope. That was the first time I knew that nursing was the right choice.

The next time I knew nursing was the right choice is because in 8th grade I wasn’t sure I wanted to be a nurse anymore. I sat there day after day thinking that becoming an “Oncologist” was better. As the days went on I continued to think 12+ years of schooling would be better because I would make more money. I would live a life full of happiness because I would have so much money. That changed shortly after, though. I realized money didn’t matter to me. All I wanted to do was continuously make people happy the one way I knew how: becoming a nurse.

Another time I knew nursing was right for me is when I was a senior in high school. I applied to so many nursing schools. I lost hope. I didn’t get accepted into any. My SAT score was the worst one around the school, I didn’t have a parent that worked at a college so I wasn’t “guaranteed” admission, and truthfully, when my number one school denied me I didn’t have any hope left. One day my parents sat me down and told me “we wouldn’t mind if you took a year off.” My mom also gave the option of a nearby hospital program. That just wasn’t for me. That’s not who I am. For my entire life the only option I knew was a four year program. It’s what my head and heart wanted. But in spite of what I wanted I started to look for hospital programs. As I began my search I didn’t seem to be happy. I was looking for something that I knew wasn’t meant for me. This went on for about a week until I knew I had to go to a 4 year program or else I wasn’t going to college the following year. In the past October I visited Clarion University. I only went because my mom and dad were set on this school after I didn’t get into my top choice. I went and at that point I hated it. I didn’t want anything to do with it. Well, fast forward about 4 months I decided to send in my transcripts and hope for the best. Two weeks past and nothing came in the mail. One day I got a call from Clarion. They had congratulated me on my acceptance! I was finally happy, and now I absolutely love the campus. That was when I knew nursing would be for me.

Now that I am in nursing school I know it’s for me. I cry every night overwhelmed in work. I study until 5 a.m. to get a 80% on an exam when I have a requirement of an 84%. When all my friends can sit around and watch Netflix, I am doing homework. When a normal day of class for everyone else is 50 minutes, I have 2 and a half hour classes. When my roommate is sleeping, I’m not. Again, it may seem like I am complaining, but it’s what i want to be doing. Nursing isn’t just a passion of mine anymore, it’s becoming a lifestyle.

Hey all! My name is Megan and I am a freshman at Clarion University. I am studying nursing and absolutely love it. The reason I started writing is because it takes away a lot of pressure and stress from my life. I enjoy having times to myself where I can vent and speak my mind about things. What you will find out about me through my writing is that my life isn't ordinary. Something new and exciting is always happening and my writing will reflect that. Can't wait to see what you all think of my writing. Xoxo, Meg