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Why I Write for Her Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

I decided to write for Her Campus after reading article after article for about a year. I tossed the idea of becoming a writer for Her Campus for a few months. I talked myself out of it over and over. I have too many things going on right now, I’m applying to grad school, I’m already involved in other clubs; the excuses go on and on. One night I was thinking about it again, and I just decided to do it. I messaged our Her Campus Instagram page and expressed that I wanted to be a part of this amazing organization. In December, I became an official Her Campus member. Little did I know that I needed Her Campus more than Her Campus needed me.

I am by no means a good writer, but I am a writer who has a lot to say. As a way to manage my anxiety, I decided to start a journal. I wrote down things I was thinking about or what happened throughout my day. It helps me tremendously, but I still needed more. I needed to put that energy into something that people might want to read. Writing for Her Campus has been a way for me to do that. At first, I didn’t tell anyone that I was going to be writing due to the fear I had of my writing not being good enough to be published. I recently just had my first article published and I told my secret. I was so excited to have my article published. It is more than just an article to me, it is my way of putting my anxiety and extra energy into something productive and into something people are going to read.

I am so thankful that I made that late-night decision to write for Her Campus. I am excited to see where our organization will go and all the people it will reach.