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Job Opportunities For All

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

As we graduate college and head off into the work force as official adults, we try to get a career that will make us happy to go into work, instead of miserably lugging our butts out of bed to our job just to pay the bills. Our goal in life is to be happy and live a life we will look back on fondly. We do not want a job that ruins our goals.

One of the biggest issues we run into, as females going off into the work force, is the issue of males. Yes, I know it sounds like this is about to be some crazy feminazi rant about men being evil and the root of all of our problems, but it is not. This is so much more. This is about the fact that men have a leg up on us females.

Yes, there are plenty of areas where females have a leg up on the males, but this issue effects our goals in life. Not only do we have a pay gap between males and females doing the same exact job, but males will still get the dream job over us females any day; we have to try twice as hard as males to get a job. When we luck out and get the position over the male, we are paid less than the male would have been paid for the same position. Even in a field that is highly female saturated, such as speech pathology, a male would get a job over a female faster than the female would, even if the male is less qualified for the position than his female competitor. It is best to look at both sides of the argument and note that the same could be said for a female getting a position over a male competitor in a highly male saturated field.

The issue remains that there is a gap between equality that should somehow be bridged. I do not have an answer for how we can change this issue we face, but I do want to make sure that the word gets out. Let us collectively put our heads together and come up with a solution. Males and females in all fields should be seen as equals, and treated as such with the same shot at a position and the same pay for the same position for all genders. Why is one person’s work more important than another’s because of the gender they are? There should be equal opportunity for every person based on their ability to do a job. We are in an era of social change, so let’s go make a change to how our world is run.