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To the Girl with Standards

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clarion chapter.

If you like the boy who is a hopeless romantic, then go for it. If going on multiple dates, holding hands, kissing, and just not being able to be away from them that long is your type of guy, then so be it. If you like the boy who is really attractive and does not have anything else going for him, that’s okay too. Or how about the party boy who has to be at every party drinking, smoking and having a great time?

What about the boy who would rather stay in than party? The one who would actually like to watch a whole series on Netflix with you and eat so much pizza you both can’t move for days. How about the awkward, shy, and nerdy boy who seems to only have as many friends as you can count on one hand. Can’t forget about the athlete. Whether he is a football player, baseball player, basketball player, soccer player, or even a tennis player you know you can’t resist. Even the frat star, you know the one. He can shotgun 10 beers in a minute.

The bad boy is okay too. Even if mom and dad say no a hundred times. We all have this one, the best guy friend. There will always just be something about our best guy friend that we love. Don’t lie, all of you have one you always think about… Hate to say it, but the cheater. Some people do change. Believe that always, because I promise you it is true. Just do NOT get treated any less than you deserve. EVER. And if he was still not listed above just remember…

Whether your guy may be the football player, or the bad guy, maybe even the frat star, never settle for less than what you deserve. Setting these standards is good and will help you find someone who is perfect for you. If you like the hopeless romantic, don’t go for the bad boy. Trust me just stick to the standards. It is what will make you the happiest. You are beautiful. You deserve nothing less than excellence. Boys come and go so make sure you are always true to yourself…

Because in the end the only person you have is you.

Hey all! My name is Megan and I am a freshman at Clarion University. I am studying nursing and absolutely love it. The reason I started writing is because it takes away a lot of pressure and stress from my life. I enjoy having times to myself where I can vent and speak my mind about things. What you will find out about me through my writing is that my life isn't ordinary. Something new and exciting is always happening and my writing will reflect that. Can't wait to see what you all think of my writing. Xoxo, Meg