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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cincinnati chapter.

The semester is coming to an end. You, probably like me, have been busy stressing, as finals week is coming closer and closer, while trying to find a stellar internship for the summer. Relax! You still have time! As someone who just accepted a fantastic position for the summer, I have some tips for you that will help the process go smoother.  

First of all, internships are a fantastic opportunity that you should take advantage of, especially if you’re not part of a Co-Op program. They offer real-world experience that you won’t find in the classroom. No matter if you’re looking for something part-time, full-time, paid, or not, you’ll be able to apply the skills you have already formed while creating new ones. In my experience, the internships I have completed put me on projects that I wouldn’t of chosen for myself, but have really influenced my education since. Also, you’ll start developing a great network that you should keep in touch with even after your internship ends. I encourage you all to look for the opportunity to intern, and having a solid resume is your first step.  

Usually, the first impression a possible future employer has of you is your resume. As important as it is to have good grades, most of the times companies don’t care if you recieved a B in a class. Your resume gives you the opportunity to show actual proof of your passions, leadership, skills, etc., much better than a transcript. It’s important to highlight the things that will make you a good candidate for the job and why, rather than a list of accomplishments. I’d highly suggest having your own website to serve as an online portfolio as well, especially if you’re in a visual field. This serves as an extension of your resume and can showcase specific examples. Before you send it off make sure you double and triple check it! It should be clean, clear, and free of any spelling errors.  

As someone who was trying to find an internship for the summer, while not being apart of a structured program, it was a bit more challenging. What I did, and I would suggest for you too, is to do a Google search for all the companies that are related to your field. Make sure you do some preliminary research on them first. I then sent my resume and a little about my interest in their company and the opportunity to work with them this summer to the email on the page. Also, be sure to dig around and look in places you wouldn’t automatically expect. I’m an Electronic Media major and I spent two summers working on videos and promotional design work for the Cleveland Clinic. I never expected to work in a hospital, but I had an incredible experience there. And don’t get discouraged if you don’t find something right away. I emailed well over 200 companies and only heard back from about 25%. But within that 25% I got one amazing opportunity.   

When you land that interview, they’re giving you the chance to WOW them, make sure you do just that! Also, make sure you do your research and know the company well, I mean really know it. Interviewers are always impressed if you’re able to talk about specific examples of their work and how your skills apply to it. Bring your resume to life, and be excited and proud about the work and education you have completed. In my experience, as important as it is to show how their company will benefit from you, it’s just as important to let them know that you’re there to learn. You’re bosses know you won’t know everything, that’s why you’re there. Also, be honest. There will be some opportunities that you’re just not right for or isn’t right for you, and that’s okay. Lastly, and most importantly, thank them for sharing their time with you and for their consideration. Then thank them again in an email within the next day, it will be greatly appreciated.  

So that’s all I’ve got for you ladies! Now go get it!