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Exit Interview: Amy Chau, Social Media Director

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chatham chapter.
We’re celebrating the HC Chatham team members who graduated in May 2015 with a series of Exit Interviews!
Amy Chau is masterfully engaging. As HC Chatham’s Social Media Director for six semesters, she cultivated an online community that celebrates women’s voices. She’s always been a champion of Chatham, representing her classmates through Chatham Student Government and serving as a Student Ambassador. A Biochemistry major, Amy conducted research, served as an Interactive Exhibit Presenter at the Carnegie Science Center and tutored high school and college students. Even when her schedule left little breathing room, she always made time to help and embraced every challenge with joy. The characteristics that made Amy stand out at Chatham—her dedication, her passion, her exceptional generosity—will follow her to Washington, D.C. as she goes to Georgetown University in pursuit of her Ph.D. in Chemistry. She may change the world with her research, but she’s already changed our world with her kindness. 
Her Campus Chatham: Why did you choose to join the Her Campus Chatham team?
Amy Chau: When I first joined Her Campus Chatham, it was only out of curiosity. I didn’t imagine myself actively involved with the organization. But the longer I stayed active in the group, I wanted to know more about Her Campus and learn to better manage the social media sites.
You served as Social Media Director for several years. What did you enjoy most about engaging with HC Chatham readers?
When I started as Social Media Director, our fan base on Facebook and Twitter were very small compared to now. Just seeing a new fan/follower or likes and retweets makes me very happy. The comments that readers gave on our social media sites are also what motivated us to do better.
As the undergraduate college goes coed, what are your hopes for the future of HC Chatham?
Many changes will happen at Chatham; HC Chatham will need to do their best at adapting to the new changes. Content-wise, I would love to see a male perspective on Chatham’s four mission initiatives: women’s leadership, sustainability and the environment, global understanding, and innovation and research. No matter what, I hope for the best for HC Chatham and the team members.
What did you like most about your time at Chatham?
The memories I’ve made with friends, faculty and staff.
What advice do you have for the Class of 2019?
First Years, as you step into the life of a college student, remember you are not alone. Everyone around you is going through the same nervousness and insecurity. Bond with people you meet, make memories with them. It’s okay to rely on them once in a while, they will understand and will definitely lend you a shoulder whenever you need one. Seek help when you need it, never think that you will need to do everything by yourself. You are a world-ready human, not a superhuman.
What do you love most about Chatham women?
They are fun, courageous, smart, beautiful, and many other positive descriptions. They are world-ready in-training at Chatham, and definitely world-ready when they are out in the real world. 
By the time of your 50th Reunion, where do you hope you’ll be in life?
I hope to be a senior scientist at a federal laboratory. But of course, life sometimes takes an unexpected turn. Who knows where it will lead me. : )
Is there anything else you’d like to say to your Chatham family?
Attending Chatham was the best decision I’ve made for my undergraduate career. It was full of happiness, sadness, excitement, and frustrations. Because of the people I’ve met who later became friends and mentors, everything I’ve experienced was worthwhile. Thank you.
  Mara Flanagan is entering her seventh semester as a Chapter Advisor. After founding the Chatham University Her Campus chapter in November 2011, she served as Campus Correspondent until graduation in 2015. Mara works as a freelance social media consultant in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She interned in incident command software publicity at ADASHI Systems, gamification at Evive Station, iQ Kids Radio in WQED’s Education Department, PR at Markowitz Communications, writing at WQED-FM, and marketing and product development at Bossa Nova Robotics. She loves jazz, filmmaking and circus arts.