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What Character From The Office You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

From the greatest show about a workplace, which character are you? How motivated are you to succeed in the workplace?

Aries: Ryan Howard

Like Ryan, you are a motivated, successful person who is driven by ambition. Fortunately for you, you can back it up with responsibility and respect (for Michael?). Your co-workers often find themselves intimidated by your drive and your success. So here’s to you for wanting to climb the corporate ladder!


Taurus: Stanley Hudson

You’re witty and clever, but also kind of a cynic. You might come as off as being emotionally detached from people and situations, but you still manage to work well with others. Your co-workers continue to have tremendous respect for the work you do, and the occasional wit and jokes you drop.


Gemini: Phyllis Lapin

You can be pretty hard on yourself sometimes, but you don’t let others treat you poorly. Because of this, you come off as shy, yet well-respected. Nobody truly knows or understands you until you are forced to show it out. Once the cat’s out of the bag, there’s no telling what you’ll do.


Cancer: Jim Halpert

Like Jim, you wear your heart on your sleeve. If anyone tried to mess with any of your friends (Pam???), then you would be down to kick some serious ass. Your sense of loyalty and kindness sets you apart in the office, and gives others excellent reason to not only respect you, but want to be your friend, as well.


Leo: Michael Scott

Everything has to be about you, every single second of the day. The correlation between Leos and Michael Scott is so obvious; it hardly needs explaining.


Virgo: Angela Martin

Virgos are notorious for their attention to detail and requirement that everything be *perfect*. As an accountant for Dunder Mifflin, everything must be perfect, and you will put everything that you have in to make sure it all goes well. Hopefully, you can loosen up a bit more than Angela can!


Libra: Toby Flenderson

As a Libra, you and Toby are both exceptionally sociable and engaging. People want to be your friend because of your charm but may shy away because of your indecisiveness and/or HR duties.


Scorpio: Oscar Martinez

You and Oscar are both so independently driven that others are often intimidated by your ability to succeed. You would do anything for your paycheck, and you would even burn bridges or ally with Jim, to succeed.


Sagittarius: Dwight Schrute

When it comes to doing what you love, there is no holding you back. You will do anything for the people (Michael) or thing (Dunder Mifflin) that you love. You are strong, opinionated, and do well in a position of power “Assistant (to the) Regional Manager.”


Capricorn: Jan Levinson

There’s a common saying for Capricorns–they’ve got money on their mind, and their mind on money. You are *obsessed* with promotional success, but you do very well in high positions of power. Even so, you are able to foster relationships with those above you, and somehow you have the patience to deal with Michael.


Aquarius: Pam Beesly

You are insanely smart and creatively talented. However, you have a tendency to come off as emotionally detached in the workplace. This is likely due to the unstimulating environment in which you work, or maybe it’s just Michael.


Pisces: Kelly Kapoor

When it comes to success and failures, you have a tendency to beat yourself up about things you can’t change. You tend to overthink (your feelings for Ryan??), but everyone loves to be around you, because you don’t forget the little things about others. You are passionate about the world around you, except of course, some of your co-workers.