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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

Sick of feeling stuck?

Me too.

I believe that we all have a little fire burning in our hearts, cultivating our very own power and eagerness. Sometimes, random things can dim the fire: busy schedules, life blocks, etc. When my fire is dimmed, I feel stuck and want to make a change in my life… but can’t seem to get myself underway! Like, dude, why can’t I just start this thing up that I’ve been talking about so much? Lately, I’ve had many conversations revolving around the same topic: What do you do creatively? My same answer each time: “Well I’ve been meaning to… *fill in the blank.*” You might have experienced a similarly challenging experience, like starting a weekly run or learning how to play an instrument or reading more books. Let’s admit it, starting that thing you’ve always wanted to do or restarting something you used to do all time but lost touch of, can be difficult.

So, what now then?

Do it for 10 minutes each day.

When you start small, the activity, whatever it may be, seems less daunting. It will surprise you… 10 minutes will turn into 20. Twenty will turn into 30, and so on. Your mind and body being to get used to the activity, and will start craving it more and more!

Accept your “oh sh*t” days.

“Oh dang, I didn’t do it today.” Don’t become upset with yourself. If you do, your thing might turn into a chore. If you didn’t get to it… you forgot to or you just don’t want to do it… don’t be upset. Just do it the next day, or even the day after that.

With that being said…

Give yourself time.

“No time” isn’t always a good excuse. Trust me, you have time. Set the ten minutes aside. That’s it! Ten minutes. It will go by quicker than you imagined, and who knows, you might be craving more.

Challenge: What have you always wanted to do, but never got to it? Use this little guide and get it going!