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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.


If you’re the proud owner of a Fitbit (or any other type of fitness tracker), like yours truly, then you know the pure joy of realizing you’ve hit the 10,000 step mark, thus meeting your daily goal. But you also know that some days, this is no easy undertaking. Hitting that mark can sometimes mean putting in more effort than you’d like to think but who doesn’t love getting that notification from Fitbit telling you that you’re an “overachiever.” Here are six fail proof ways to help you hit 10,000 steps everyday.

  1. Break up your goal. 10,000 can seem like a dauntingly large number of steps, but if you break up that goal, it can appear more do-able. Try aiming for 2,000 steps before 11am and then 5,000 by 2pm, and so on. By breaking your steps up into smaller, more numerous goals throughout the day, achieving each one will contribute to the larger 10,000 steps without being so daunting.

  2. Take the stairs. Sounds obvious but forgo the elevator and choose the stairs to get those extra steps.

  3. Walk to campus. We all know how absolutely horrid the parking situation is at Chapman, so if you live close enough to make the trek on foot and save yourself the stress of looking for that elusive parking spot, then do it.

  4. Park far away. Forget that spot that’s right next to the entrance of the grocery store; park on the edge of the parking lot to get those extra steps in.

  5. Walk around while doing mindless, menial activities. Brushing your teeth? Walk around. Talking on the phone? Walk around. Doing literally anything that doesn’t require a seat? Walk around.

  6. Walk on a treadmill. If you have the time and the means, jump on a treadmill for twenty minutes and rack up a good give or take 3,000 steps. You can even be reading a book for class while doing this, so really there are no excuses (or at least, that’s what I tell myself).