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Change: Inevitable/Difficult/Necessary

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapman chapter.

The other day my friend and I were discussing the past semester and how quickly it has gone by. We were reflecting back to the first week of classes and comparing it to now, and how much we’ve changed.  This conversation could have easily been a sad one; one that meant we liked the way we were then more than now. This, however, was not the case. Change is good, especially in college, and even though we might reminisce at the end of the semester, it only means that there are better times ahead.

You’re supposed to change after high school. Eighteen isn’t supposed to be your peak. Change in college only means that you’re becoming more of who you are and it’s important to acknowledge that change as a positive. You will be exposed to so many new people, surroundings and experiences in college and it’s okay to let those things shape you and change you. Although you don’t want to lose yourself, you don’t want to sacrifice the person you could become for the person you were. You owe it to yourself to openly embrace the change that will come with college.

You will feel more comfortable with yourself and your interests and passions. The people that you surround yourself with will hopefully bring out the best in you by pushing you to do your best but also comforting you when the stresses and fears that come with any college experience are felt. You will become more self-sufficient as you enter an environment that you have never been in before, where you don’t know anyone and where you need to start from square one. You will become more responsible when you realize that your education, future career goals and decisions are your responsibility. You won’t lean on your parents as much as you did before and that’s okay.

Change, although scary, is welcoming. At the end of the semester, between the stress of finals and trying to cram in as many naps as possible, take time for yourself and reflect on the change that took place over the past four months because you might be surprised, and pleased, with what you find. I hope that the change that took place this past semester is beneficial to you and that it’s something you’re proud of.