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Preparing for the Real World: How to Approach Post-Grad Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

If you’re a second semester senior, please take this short quiz:

After graduation you are going to:

A) Go to grad/professional school

B) Move onto a career!

C) You’re taking a year off to find yourself and travel

D) Got that ring by spring and you’re getting married!

E) You don’t know what you’re doing and you’re going to just cry

If you answered “E,” don’t worry. We have all been there before. Truthfully so, I was there not too long ago. As a college student, we are pressured to know exactly what we’re going to do right after graduation. It is expected that we either continue on towards more school or we find a perfect post-grad job that makes about $50,000 for the starting salary. This is the time we’re all getting cut off from our parents financially and are now truly out on our own.


I know, terrifying.

No need to fear though! You are going to make it. Here are the steps to relieving your post-grad anxiety:

1.   Know that you’re not the only in this situation

Everyone who is about to graduate, and I mean EVERYONE, has had/is currently having this dilemma. We all get through it!

2.   Don’t try to live up to others’ expectations

Make your own expectations and your own happiness. This is your time to break out and do what you truly please. You are not bound by the choices you made in college; you can create a whole new you once you graduate.

3.   No Spring Ring?  No problems!

I know so many of us are just severely eye-rolling at all the couples getting engaged lately. There’s this weird pressure to be with someone, or be in the process of getting married by the end of your senior year. All you single ladies out there though, fear not!

First of all, being single is OKAY, despite hearing that it’s not. You don’t have to rush into getting married. If you’re worried that you won’t meet anybody after college, that’s what grad school and the office place is for. Don’t worry, your fairytale is out there, even if it isn’t happening by May.

Maybe the future isn’t so scary after all. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, because this is the only life you have and you have to make the most of it!

EXSS-Sports Administration Major with a Minor in EntrepreneurshipLoves: Mindy Kaling, cheese, watching America's Next Top Model, and reading books about quantum physics.