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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

What to say when we should have everything we need for our survival inside our purses? Here we share a checklist filled with suggestions about useful objects to optimize your time through busy days at work and..


Well, with college, it wouldn’t be any different! So, the big question is: what are the essencials we should have in our bags for college, besides “what do we carry everyday”?


1) Notebooks and Pencilcase

These are the number one on our list as college essentials! You need to take notes of the important things in your classes, don’t you? 

2) Agenda

You have to keep up with all the activities and tests going on in your classes. There are so many things happening at the same time that you will have to keep track with everything! The agenda will help with that overwhelming feeling of not knowing what to hand due tomorrow.

3) The beauty essencials

I always carry in my bag a little necessaire that has everything I might need at some point: lipbalm, make up, band aids, medicine, a small version of my perfume, hand moisturizer and Klinex papers. You never know how your day will go! (Or even where it will end, since we are located on the coolest avenue of the city).


4) Umbrella

Living in São Paulo is a big mystery when the subject is the weather. You may leave the house with a beautiful sunny day and then drop out of the subway on your way to Cásper to find out Paulista Avenue under water.


5) A bottle of water

Most of the times, Casper is a big greenhouse. And you have to stay hydrated to go through your classes! Keeping a bottle of water with you is better then having to move to the drinking fountain whenever you feel thirsty (belive me, it will happen very often).


6) Snacks

It’s always good to have knick knacks on your bag, such as cereal bars or fruits, so you don’t starve before (or after) it’s break time!


Last but not least, since you’ve got the essentials covered, have a nice college day!

I'm a journalism student at Cásper Líbero University and the fashion editor of Her Campus Cásper's Chapter.  My biggest dream is to travel the world and to be a poliglot!
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.