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Such a Family Program: “The Boss Baby” Movie Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

“The Boss Baby” fulfills everything that it proposes: a family movie that will take everyone good laughs.

Tim Templeton (Miles Bakshi), son of Ted & Janice Templeton, is a boy with an extraordinary imagination. He is really loved by his parents, and this love makes him feel unique and special. However, everything changes in Tim’s life when his little brother, Boss Baby (Alec Baldwin), arrives.

This brother is not a common one. He came by taxi, he wears a suit and he cares a briefcase with a secret mission inside (!!!!!!). The mission is to recover the babies credibility with adults and to not let them fall in love with the new dog of Puppy Company. As the expected, Boss Baby steals all the attention of Tim’s parents, what makes Tim really upset.

The only way Tim can recover Ted & Janice Templeton’s attention is by helping his brother with the secret mission. With colorful images and funny situations, “The Boss Baby” shows a very common episode in every no-only child person’s life. The main message is about the acceptance of new brothers and sisters, and Tom McGrath (director) created an easy atmosphere to understand it.

But, there are a lot of references and jokes in the movie that show that the director was not only thinking about a movie for children. “Boss Baby” will delight all the babies from 0-100 years.

[Spoiler Alert – The other side of “The Boss Baby”]

However, exist a deepest side of the whole-message theory. Who have watched the movie realized that the Boss Baby works is a reference to heaven. When Tim discovered that his brother is dead, he started to create in his mind an explanation with imaginary situations – a kind of a parallel reality. He had a clear depression (including, when Tim is really sad, the colorful images turn to colder ones) and the only thing that makes him alive again is when the baby is born again. So, Tim may have lost one brother and asked for another one, pretending that both were the same person and everything was part of a “secret mission”.

Rating: 76/100

Author: Giovanna Romano

Editor: Yulia Serra

Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.