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11 Reasons to Travel Young

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”


This famous quote by St. Augustine couldn’t be more accurate. The world is an awfully big place, and it’s important to experience as much of it as possible. The benefits of traveling are incalculable. And I mean, come on… who doesn’t like stuffing their faces with exotic food and being absorbed into international cities like a local?

Your 20’s and 30’s are the prime time to take a break from school or work, hop on a plane and explore foreign territory. Here’s 11 reasons to travel young:

1. Get Cultured

Being well cultured is a trait that too few people have these days. Learning about and experiencing other cultures is vital in order to put the world into perspective and see where you fit—or want to fit in it. Traveling will debunk any incorrect preconceived notions about other countries, people, religions and cultures and you be become more open-minded, culturally sensitive and globally aware.


2. Its Cheap

Staying in youth hostels and getting discount student tickets for entertainment venues (like museums) and transportation can cut down travel costs immensely. It’s better to travel as much as possible when costs are lower than wait until your 40’s and 50’s and end up spending big bucks on luxurious hotels and normal adult-priced tickets.


3. Youre Not Tied Down

Chances are, when you’re in your mid-20’s you won’t have a career held down yet. This means you can take some time off (or quit altogether) and take a trip without worrying about your professional job being negatively impacted. Use the freedom while you have it!


4. You Have the Energy

As a young person, you can go clubbing until 4 a.m. and be ready to explore a new town the next day. You can rough-it on someone’s floor for a night or two and do an uncomfortable overnight bus ride. Sure, your body may be a little achy afterwards, but it will bounce back fast. Might as well travel and have the experience you want while you’ve got the stamina to recuperate quickly.


5. Youll Make Lifelong Friends

You’ll meet random people in hostels, in bars or while lost and trying to navigate the local public transit systems. These people can end up being lifelong travel buddies or international friends. You can be that cultured person who makes others jealous with their connections in Egypt, Russia, Italy and Brazil.

6. Youre Still Impressionable

Whether you think so or not, you are still young and your ideas about yourself and the world will change. Traveling young will give you a plethora of cultural experiences that will open your mind and make you consider things you never have before. Travel will change you—in a good way!


7. Itll Open Up Doors

Being able to tell an employer about your travel experience is a big plus. There are so many skills that are gained through travel and highlighting things like adaptability, cultural knowledge and a global perspective in interviews will make you more appealing for future jobs. Also, traveling may change your entire career path. You will visit places and see things you never have before and might find inspiration for a new line of work.


8. Gain Independence

You will get lost, you will panic and you will learn a lot from that. You’ll be navigating around rustic and modern towns, making friends and finding food and lodging all on your own. Once you get back, you’ll be more comfortable in your own skin and be more independent than before — more knowledgeable, adventurous and willing to try new things.


9. Learn Languages

Put all those high school language classes to use or learn an entirely new one (or ones). Languages stick better when you’re young, so the earlier you learn, the better! There’s no time like the present.


10. Make Lifelong Memories

The memories you make abroad will be some the best of your life. You’ll never get tired of being asked about your unique experiences at parties and divulging all the juicy details to a rapt audience. It’s always fascinating being the person with some of the most diverse experiences in the room.


11. Eat

Let’s be honest. One of the main reasons (if not THE main reason) to travel is for the food. Explore different cultures by filling your belly with delicious goodness not available in United States. And when you get back, you’ll have a few more creative recipes to add to your kitchen’s cookbook.

I'm Frances. I'm 19 and am currently studying anthropology and geography at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. My ultimate passion is travel but I also love to eat, cook, read, and write. I hope to join the Peace Corps in a few years and make a tiny difference in the world.
Frances is a third year currently studying Journalism and French at Cal Poly SLO. She hails from the Bay Area where you can usually find her in her local Philz, chugging a caffeinated drink. She is a firm proponent of boybands, rain, Shonda Rhimes shows and the occasional In N' Out run.