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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Podcasts can be entertaining, educating, or simply just peaceful.  I love listening to podcasts when I go for walks in between classes!  These three podcasts have changed my life and if you are into the “self-improvement” type of podcasts you’ll love these:

  1. Oprah Winfrey: Super Soul Podcasts  Who doesn’t like Oprah?  Her deep discussions about controversial topics with some of her celebrity guests are truly inspiring and entertaining.  I love all the female empowerment messages and how at peace her podcast inspires people to be.
  2. The Minimalists.  For those who are trying to de-clutter their life, The Minimalists have great tips on how to get rid of all the unnecessary stuff we tend to accumulate.  They also promote environmentally friendly living, and describe how de-cluttering you life can actually change your productivity.
  3. Kimberly Snyder.  Snyder preaches about the cutting edge of meditation and vegan living.  For all those who want daily motivation, Kimberly Snyder has regular podcasts that have guest speaker who range in knowledge from meditation, chakras, vegan living, and the benefits of aromatherapy. If you enjoy listening to educational “self-love” podcasts you’ll definitely love these!  Everyone should give these a shot, even if you do not normally listen to podcasts.

*All images provided by the author.

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