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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Working over the summer has to be one of the busiest yet most rewarding experience one could have. Working seasonally as a lifeguard has taught me a lot about what it means to take responsibility, put others first, and most importantly have fun on the job!! In my opinion, lifeguarding is the BEST summer (or year-round) job you could accept, and here’s why!!

1. You get to be outside! Who wants to spend their summer days all cooped up in a dark office with nowhere to go but the lunchroom during break? When you lifeguard, you get to work outside or in the pool and enjoy the summer heat! Every day becomes a pool day, and even though you’re working most of the time, it’s hard to notice that you’re on the clock while you’re hanging out on the pool deck and hopping in the water every once in a while!

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2. You get in great shape! When you lifeguard, you get in great shape between all the swimming and physical labor you do, putting you into amazing physical shape! Working at the pool or the beach definitely keeps you on your toes, and allows you to do more than just sit at a desk or by a cash register. A lot of the time, staff meetings involve group swims or something of that nature, so you end up working out alongside some people who might become your best friends! Which brings me to point number three..

3. FRIENDS! Lifeguarding is a very social experience, and require that you work as a team every single day! You also work alongside (mostly) people your age, and it proves to be a rewarding experience and allows you to meet and get to know new people! I’ve made some amazing friends (and I’m not talking “work friends”) through my work, and I keep in touch with them throughout the year! It’s a great feeling pulling up to the pool and not dreading the day as you get to work and hang out alongside some of your best buds anyway!

4. The paycheck! Generally speaking, lifeguards earn above minimum wage and get PLENTY of hours. You’ll enjoy the checks you get, just sayin’.

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And finally

5. You make a difference! While every day isn’t filled with glamorous Baywatch like rescues, when they do happen you get to make a difference and help people in need! According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, an average of 10 people drown per day, and you get to help fight that number, as well as educate others about water safety to prevent further accidents in the future. When dealing with a sometimes life-or-death situation, you get to save the day and make a difference in someone’s life. It’s honestly such a rewarding feeling to have that be “just part of the job.”

So go put your red swimsuit on, sunscreen up, and make some bank! Also, thank a lifeguard today for all their hard work!


*Thumbnail courtesy of Photopin.com 


Erin Niemi

Cal Lutheran '20

Erin Niemi is a student at California Lutheran University and is pursuing her BA in Communication. When she isn't typing up a Her Campus article at a local coffee shop, you may find her at a concert, the beach or the movies! Erin is passionate about local news, beauty, science, sports, entertainment and music. She is also a huge Star Wars and MCU geek, and she will happily talk about either for hours if given the opportunity.
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