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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

I can always find a reason to spend money, but since moving away for college I have realized the importance of saving.  These five little tricks make it so simple to save while still being able to go about your everyday life.

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com

  1. Make a budget:  Write down all your expenses.  Include all your bills, average spending on grocieries, and include how much you want to spend on fun things, such as hanging out with friends or eating out.
  2. Have short-term goals: Decide how much money you would have wanted to have saved by the end of the week.
  3. Decide on what things you are saving for:  Having a specific idea on what you want to do with the money you have saved makes it easier to stick to your budget.
  4. Save your loose change:  All the small things add up, I know that’s a cliche thing to write but it is only a cliche because it’s true.  Piggy banks are very useful, not just as decoration but also for saving your loose change​
  5. Have a 24 hour rule:  To curb impulse buying think it over for at least 24 hours before deciding to purchase it.  Decide if it is something you really need and can’t live without.

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay.com

There are many different reasons for wanting to save, whether it is just for a rainy day or a dream car.  These five simple tips make it easy to save your money.  

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