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The Hidden Perks of Being Single On Valentine’s Day (Yes, They Exist)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C Mich chapter.

Known for it’s association with romantic love, Valentines day can sometimes be dreadful for all of the single ladies and gents. In the midst of dismay and gloom, have faith in the fact that there are alternative ways to celebrate the day of love. Would it be believable if I told you there are even some perks to being single around Valentines day?…

The first and most important perk of being single on Valentine’s Day is discounted candy beginning February 15thWhile your friends are out buying heart-shaped boxes of assorted chocolates, single people of the world are internally laughing because jokes on them. They have to pay full price for their indulgance of the sugary goodness. Everyone knows that sh*t goes on sale next day. And you better believe we will be banging down the door of our local CVS, stocking our carts up with party sized bags of peanut m&ms, Reeses, the whole nine yards. Thanks, St. Valentine. 



Wine night with the girlsWhether you’re searching for a relationship or not, everyone knows that the best way to celebrate singledom is with your girls! Turn it into an all girls party accompanied by the people and things you love. And by things I mean franzia. It doesn’t stop there; Valentine’s Day is on a saturday this year. The perfect excuse for not only a wine night, but maybe a rum, tequila, vodka, happy hour night with your best girl friends. 


Accompanied by a romcom marathon?For those of you deciding to stay in on Valentine’s Day, your wine may compliment a night of 27 Dresses, The Proposal, 10 Things I Hate About You and Just Friends. But- read carefully- I emphasize romantic comedy. That does not include The Notebook, The Vow, or anything else Nicholas Sparks-esque. Integrating an equal 50/50 of humor and romance will keep you from crying about the fact that you’re alone, but also acknowledge the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day. 


Make someone else happy!Giving is such a fulfilling feeling- even better than receiving. Take the time this Valentine’s Day to tell someone you love them. Send your aunt a card, maybe a bouquet of flowers to your mom. Your roommate would greatly appreciate a cheesy valentine, and your best friend a candy bar. Valentine’s Day doesnt have to be confined to a significant other! 


But there is no obligation to spend any money at all…While everyone is dropping hella dolla bills on dinner, jewelry, and other gifts single people are just chillin’ like… That diamond necklace is cute but it’s equivalent to like 20 hot ‘n’ readys. Priorities. 


And you don’t have to impress anyone… or anyone to impress for that matter. Bring on the dry shampoo, messy bun, groutfit ensamble with a side of feeling completely guiltless about it. Without a significant other you can leave your apartment in the morning feeling grungy and carefree if you so please. Not to mention the additional half hour of sleep that gives you. Sleep > boyfriend.  


Valentine’s Day gives you the opportunity to express your love without seeming #sensitive Take advantage of the fact that for one whole day you can tell people you love them without being punched in the arm and told to shut up… or is that just my group of friends? As cheesy and uncomfortable lovey-dovey emotions make us, this is the day we can conform and spread the love. Call your grandma, text an estranged high school friend, and hug your friends because after all it is the day of love.