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Stop Making Excuses for Him, He Isn’t Interested

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at C of C chapter.

People always tell you to trust your gut, to always go with your first instinct.  But a lot of the time we don’t do that. Why? The simplest answer is probably that we don’t like what our gut tells us.

We want to think or believe something elseI’m pointing fingers at myself here, too. There’s one situation I know of where many women get that gut feeling, but they choose to ignore it: when you can’t tell whether or not someone is interested in you.

Ladies, if you feel it in your gut that the person you’re “seeing” isn’t that into you, then odds are, they’re not that into you. I know, I know, we like to make excuses for these people. “Maybe they’re just busy,” or “maybe their phone died or they just don’t have their phone with them,” or “maybe they just works a lot.” Every once in a while, an excuse like this can be valid, but if you find yourself giving a person you’re interested in one of these excuses every time you don’t hear from them, they bail on plans or act like they dont care, then, honey, from me to you, stop kidding yourself.
Doesn’t anyone remember seeing He’s Just Not That Into You?
I have male friend who’s a bit of a ladies man and is a little on the “slutty” side, so I figured he would be the perfect person to ask for a guys perspective.
I asked him, “If you’re interested in a girl, are you going to try and make that happen, no bullshit? When guys act like they aren’t interested, they are usually not, correct?”
His response: “Yes, chances are we’re using you for sex if we’re not interested.”
I say this out of love, because I have dealt with my fair share of ignored gut-feelings and it always ends up in disappointment. I once spent months interested in someone who I knew in my gut did not reciprocate those feelings, but what did I do? I made excuses. “Maybe he’s busy.”  No, he just didn’t want to talk to me. “Maybe his phone is dead.” No girl, he didn’t care.
If a guy is really interested in you, he’s going to let you know.  If he wants something to happen, he’s going to try and make it happen. If it seems like he isn’t that into you, then he’s not that into you, and if he is into you, but is playing games and making you feel like he isn’t, then f*** him. I mean, not literally (unless you want to). BUT, you don’t have time for that if you’re looking for something serious.
You know who plays games? Children. You don’t have time for a child. You need yourself a man. Don’t waste your time on a f***boy.
Find someone who shows genuine interest in you.
We’re all guilty of it.  But ladies, stop making excuses for people who play games and who genuinely don’t care.
We all do it, but we need to stop because we deserve better than that.  We deserve to be treated with some respect!
Writing is what I love most and want to eventually make a career out of. I want to travel the world and write about what I see and experience.