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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

I bet a lot of you guys are in the same boat as me, totally not a morning person, and always wasting my time and getting a late start to the day. Here are some tips and tricks that i’ve been trying to follow to get me to be more timely and productive!


1. I know the first thing that a lot of us do is grab our phones to scroll through social media when we wake up. Try to stay away from that from now on, Instead of laying in bed for 20 minutes scrolling through, get out of bed right away. This sets your mind in the right direction, pulling your phone out gets you in the mindset of being lazy and procrastinating believe it or not. It’s a huge time saver and sets the tone for the day.


2. Another thing is to make your bed every morning. I know this one may sound a little stupid, but again it changes your mindset for the day, doing little things like this will really tell your brain that you’re being productive in such little ways that it will affect how you act upon more serious situations.



3. Plan out your outfits, meals, etc. the night before. This is a HUGE time saver. It’s so much easier to do this the night before because in the morning when you have to be at work/ school you usually end up rushing trying to get everything done before you’re out for the day. Instead, doing this at night is much better because going to sleep 10-15 minutes later than planned isn’t as big of a deal as needing an extra 10-15 minutes in the morning. Things like planning your outfit or packing your lunch for the day, it’s just a huge time saver to have those little things ready in the morning so you can focus on more important things like, eating breakfast, which leads me into my next tip.



4. EAT A STRONG BREAKFAST. This will change your day IMMENSELY. Having a strong breakfast is super important and a huge factor on whether you have a good productive day or not. This will provide energy for you in the morning and will again, have you getting more things done and also being more focused and awake in class.