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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

As many have heard, recently Donald Trump made a comment calling certain, largely poor countries “sh*thole countries.” Some have stayed quiet, some have become angry, and some have taken action. Most notably, Airbnb has made quite the statement to try to expose their customers to the scenic and culture-rich places Trump spoke of. He denies using this language, but, nonetheless, people and companies want to make sure to showcase the true beauty of these places that Trump described.


Airbnb, a vacation rental company, started a $100,000 campaign to promote rentals in places that Trump said were “sh*tholes.” These countries include Haiti, El Salvador, and countries in Africa. Their mission is to show people these unique and beautiful destinations and create a sense of unity. While Trump’s comments have been divisive, Airbnb is trying to change the tone of the conversation.

One journalist, Lauren Duca, hasn’t been staying silent on recent controversies and issues. She is extremely active on Twitter with over 300,000 followers and has an incredibly powerful voice. Lauren Duca writes a column for Teen Vogue called “Thigh-High Politics” and does not shy away from the sensitive issues. If you want to have a quick politics debriefing on your timeline between memes, Lauren Duca is for you.

While some don’t want to speak up, there are some that are refusing to stay silent towards Donald Trump’s “shi*thole” remark or any other political news. That doesn’t represent everyone, however, because some are showing compassion and standing up for their beliefs.